Elizabeth May, Green Party of Canada leader-activist-lawyer-pillar of strength

Publication Source: Kickass Canadians
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Author: Amanda Sage

A little while back, I got the following email from Ottawa-South Green Party of Ontario member James Mihaychuk:

“You need to get Elizabeth May on your site. Elizabeth has been an activist, environmental lawyer, federal policy advisor, head of the Sierra Club Canada, our first elected Green MP, and was the 2012 Parliamentarian of the Year as selected by other MPs.”

Quite the endorsement. Not that the Green Party of Canada leader really needs it. She’s had an extraordinary life so far.

Read through Elizabeth’s Green Party bio or Wikipedia entry and you’ll learn that she was just a teenager when she led a successful campaign to prevent insecticide spraying on the forests of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. That finances kept her from finishing an undergraduate degree, but that she got through Dalhousie Law School anyway as a mature student (graduating in 1983 with a reference letter from then-Governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton).

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