(English) Foreign corporations should not interfere with regulations to protect the public interest Post date May 11, 2018 Post categories In Parlement, Période de questions En anglais seulement. Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Canada’s climate plan should be tied to a carbon budget→Next post:(English) Fulfill an election promise and legislate a moratorium we had for four decades Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Canada’s climate plan should be tied to a carbon budget→Next post:(English) Fulfill an election promise and legislate a moratorium we had for four decades
(English) US Navy underwater explosives testing in shared waters Post date October 2, 2020 Post categories In Lettres, Parlement Tags DFO, NOAA, Southern Resident Killer Whale, SRKW, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Loi sur le développement et la conservation des parcs nationaux du Canada (le projet de loi S-15) Post date May 31, 2013 Post categories In Débat