(English) Press Conference: Media Q & A period Post date June 21, 2018 Post categories In Parlement, Conférences de presse En anglais seulement. Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Elizabeth’s end of session review of the House of Commons→Next post:(English) Kennedy Stewart’s last petition: Stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Elizabeth’s end of session review of the House of Commons→Next post:(English) Kennedy Stewart’s last petition: Stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline
Loi sur la stratégie nationale relative à la maladie de Lyme (le projet de loi C-442) Post date March 3, 2014 Post categories In Débat
(English) Will the Conservative climate plan be based on a target in line with the Paris Agreement? Post date June 18, 2019 Post categories In Changement climatique, Débat, Démocratie, Questions, Parlement