On this page, you can sign petitions and learn how to create them.
A petition is one of the most direct ways to participate in democracy. Petitions can influence policy and legislation, and are a means of bringing public concerns to the attention of parliament. You create and sponsor the petition, and a Member of Parliament will present it to the House of Commons on behalf of the petitioners. The government is responsible for issuing a written response to the petition within forty days of it being presented.
Members of Parliament should present petitions whether they agree with the subject matter or not. Presenting a petition should not be considered an endorsement by the Member of Parliament.
Click here to visit the House of Commons petitions portal.
Sign an electronic petition
Click here to sign electronic petitions sponsored by Elizabeth May. If there are no petitions open for signature, then check back another time, or consider starting your own!
- Can be shared electronically, by email or on social media
- Stay open for 30, 60, 90, or 120 days
- Require 5 sponsors and a minimum of 500 signatures
Print a paper petition
Click here to see a list of already prepared paper petitions on a range of issues. Before collecting signatures on your petitions, make sure you have read and understood the guidelines that will make your petition a success.
Paper petitions:
- Can be signed at events or passed around the community
- Can be certified and then tabled as soon as we receive them
- Require 25 signatures
- Send your completed paper petitions postage free to Elizabeth May’s Parliament Hill office:
Elizabeth May
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6