Greens mark International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

On May 29th, the Green Party of Canada joins in the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers to honour all peacekeepers around the world who are serving and remember those who have lost their lives.  “Canada can be incredibly proud of our peacekeepers, current and past, who have enriched the world in bringing peace.  They are courageous and dedicated and we thank them, and all veterans,” said Green Leader Elizabeth May (Saanich-Gulf Islands).

The Green Party of Canada has pledged support for an NDP/Liberal private members bill calling for the creation of a Ministry specifically to train peace professionals in order to resolve violent conflicts within Canada and around the world. 

“One of the core values of Greens is to promote a culture of peace and non-violence. Peacekeepers are a key part of addressing the root causes of conflict so that focus can be on community development and poverty alleviation,” said May.

The UN declared this special day in 2002 to pay tribute to all peacekeepers who gave their lives for peace and who continue to serve in operations.

“As we continue to strive for peace across the world, peacekeepers play an important role and deserve our thanks, our respect, and our support,” said May.