Publication Source: Gulf Islands Driftwood
Source Link: View the full original article >>
Author: Sean McIntyre
A proposal to build the 1,175-kilometre Enbridge Northern Gateway twin pipelines and the prospect of more tankers travelling along British Columbia’s coast is about as poor a mix for Canada’s long-term interests as oil and water, according to Saanich-Gulf Islands MP Elizabeth May.
“We have this craziness that British Columbians are being told this is in the national interest and we must accept a project which is clearly against all of our interest,” May told a crowd of nearly 100 people assembled for Saturday afternoon’s Oil Free Coast event at Meaden Hall.
“This is not about Canada exporting a Canadian product or opening up Canadian markets, this is about Canada becoming a resource-based colony for a new super power.
“This is about China’s oil going through China’s pipeline to China’s tankers for overseas production.”