Standing Committee on National Defence (NDDN)

This week The Standing Committee on National Defence (NDDN) held two meetings, including one in camera.

On Monday March 18, 2013 the committee met in camera to discuss committee business. The minutes for the meeting can be found here. In this meeting, it was agreed that the committee travel to Washington D.C. and Colorado Springs, Colorado, from Tuesday, May 7 to Friday, May 10, 2013, in relation to the study of the Defence of North America, and that the necessary staff do accompany the committee.

On Wednesday March 20, 2013, the committee resumed its study of the care of ill and injured Canadian Forces members. National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman, Pierre Daigle, made a statement and answered questions. Debate focussed around the creation of a national database for CF members afflicted by operational stress injuries. Daigle was replaced as the witness for the second half of the meeting by representatives of the True Patriot Love Foundation who also made statements, explained what their organization does, and answered questions. The minutes of the meeting can be found here.