When a bill is big, complex and nearly unreadable, you can get away with a lot Post date May 7, 2012 Post categories In Blogs Tags Budget, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Democracy, Employment Insurance, Environment, Federal Budget, Finance, Fisheries, National Energy Board, Navigable Waters Protection Act, Parliamentary Tradition, Species at Risk Act
Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act (Bill C-38) Post date May 7, 2012 Post categories In Debate Tags Budget, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Employment Insurance, Environment, Federal Budget, Finance, Fisheries, Human Smuggling, Parliamentary Tradition, Species at Risk
Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act (Bill C-38) Post date May 7, 2012 Post categories In Debate Tags Brian Mulroney, Budget, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Environment, Federal Budget, Finance, Fisheries, Parliamentary Tradition, Time Limit on Debates
Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity Act (Bill C-38) Post date May 3, 2012 Post categories In Debate Tags Agent Orange, Budget, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Environment, Federal Budget, Finance, Parliamentary Tradition
You have to be kidding…. Post date May 2, 2012 Post categories In Articles by Elizabeth, Blogs, Publications Tags Budget, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Canadian Environmental Protection Act, Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Federal Budget, Fisheries, International Energy Agency, Kyoto Protocol, National Energy Board, National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, Navigable Waters Protection Act, Northern Gateway Pipeline, Petroleum, Pipelines, Species at Risk Act
Opposition Motion—Health and safety of Canadians Post date April 30, 2012 Post categories In Debate Tags Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Fisheries
PM Inconsistent on Use and Abuse of Budget Implementation Bills Post date April 30, 2012 Post categories In Press Releases Tags Budget, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Federal Budget, Fisheries, Kyoto Protocol, Parliamentary Process, Species at Risk Act
How the Conservatives stole environmental protection in broad daylight Post date April 30, 2012 Post categories In Blogs Tags Budget, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Environment, Federal Budget, Finance, Fisheries, National Energy Board, Navigable Waters Protection Act
Budget Implementation Act is Gutting of Environmental Laws in Disguise Post date April 27, 2012 Post categories In Press Releases Tags Budget, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Environment, Federal Budget, Fisheries, Kyoto Protocol, National Energy Board, National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, Navigab, Species at Risk Act
Elizabeth May Comments on Bill C-38 Budget Implementation Post date April 26, 2012 Post categories In Press Releases Tags Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Charities, Environment, Federal Budget, Finance, Fisheries, National Energy Board, Navigable Waters Protection Act, Parliamentary Committees, Parliamentary Process, Petroleum, Pipelines, Species at Risk Act