Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Confederation in your Communities!

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The 150th anniversary of Confederation is a unique opportunity to bring Canadians together and strengthen our connections to our communities, while inspiring a vision of a vibrant and inclusive country.

The Government of Canada supports and promotes Canada 150 activities, which revolve around four key themes:

  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Youth
  • Environment
  • National Reconciliation with Indigenous People

Funding is available for:

1. Pan-Canadian signature projects

Financed in part by the Canada 150 Fund, these major pan-Canadian projects will cover a wide variety of subjects that are aligned with the Government of Canada’s vision for the 150th anniversary. Some examples include:

  • Tall Ships Regatta;
  • SESQUI inc. projects; and
  • Innovation150.
  • Canada 150 Fund

Contact information::
Tel.: 819-997-0055
TTY (toll free): 1-888-997-3123
[email protected]

2. Community activities

The Canada 150 Fund provides support, in the form of grants and contributions, to help organize unique, region-specific activities. These community activities will be at the heart of the celebrations in 2017.

The Fund will support hundreds of projects and events, including:

  • art sessions that the community can take part in;
  • performing arts shows;
  • interactive exhibits;
  • environmental conservation awareness activities; and
  • multicultural festivals.

Eligible applicants:

  • Canadian not-for-profit organizations, including corporations, trusts, cooperatives and unincorporated associations
  • Canadian business corporations, including partnerships, trusts and joint ventures, where projects are non-commercial in nature
  • Canadian schools
  • Canadian municipal governments and their institutions

Contact information::
Tel.: 819-997-0055
TTY (toll free): 1-888-997-3123
[email protected]

3. Micro-grants

The Community Fund for Canada’s 150th is the product of collaboration between the Government of Canada and the organization Community Foundations of Canada, with its network of 191 community foundations from coast to coast to coast.

The Community Fund supports thousands of initiatives by providing micro-grants of $100 to $15,000

Applicants must match the funding they receive from the Fund, whether through cash or in-kind contributions. Eligible projects must pursue the following objectives:

  • ENCOURAGE participation in local activities to mark the 150th anniversary of Confederation
  • PROMOTE a deeper understanding of the people, places and events that shape our communities and country
  • BUILD vibrant and healthy communities, with the broadest possible contribution from all Canadians, including indigenous peoples, youth, groups that reflect our cultural diversity, and official-language minorities

Eligible applicants:

  • registered charities
  • registered Canadian amateur athletic associations
  • registered Canadian housing corporations constituted exclusively to provide low-cost housing for the aged
  • registered Canadian municipalities
  • registered municipal or public bodies that perform a governmental function in Canada

Contact information for Community Foundations of Canada:

Tel.: 613-236-2664
Fax: 613-236-1621
[email protected]