Greens Call for Cambodian Election Inquiry

The Green Party of Canada supports an independent, international investigation into charges of numerous, wide-ranging irregularities in Cambodia’s recent parliamentary elections.

“We thank the Australian Greens for bringing attention early on to this issue,” noted Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and M.P. for Saanich-Gulf Islands.  “One of the fundamental principles for all Greens around the world is participatory democracy, which is only assured if elections are free and fair. The United States and the European Union have already questioned the vote in Cambodia, yet the Harper Conservatives are still silent.”

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has said he supports an election inquiry, yet may choose to form a government even if opposition M.P.s refuse to take their seats.  Consequences of such a move are as yet unclear.

Ellen Michelson, Peace and Security Advocate in the Canadian Green Shadow Cabinet said, “Canada has long been known for sending election observers all over the world, but in recent years, our international observation efforts have become erratic and inconsistent.  Moreover, we would do well to set an example by welcoming foreign observers to our own elections. Transparency and accountability in elections is paramount, the world over.”