Elizabeth May’s Week in Review – March 10, 2017

Week in Review
March 10, 2017

Welcome to Elizabeth May’s parliamentary week in review! This weekly e-newsletter recaps her work in Parliament when the House is in session. At the links below, you can watch videos of Elizabeth’s interventions in the House, keep up with her media releases, and read articles she has written. This newsletter covers Elizabeth’s work from March 3, 2017 to March 10, 2017.

Key Moments in the House

– Speeches and Debates –

March 7 – Speaking to Tax Fairness and Closing Tax Loopholes

March 8 – Reflecting on C51, C22 and the Parliamentary Security Committee

– Questions – 

March 8 – Question to Minister Philpott on the Draft Lyme Disease Framework

– Special Session – International Women’s Day & Daughters of the Vote 

On March 8, in celebration of International Women’s Day, Equal Voice filled the House of Commons with women between the ages of 18 and 23 to represent every riding in the country. These 338 diverse young women then seized the opportunity to stand and ask some tough questions of the government and Canadians alike. Their presence and conduct was beyond inspiring and Elizabeth was honoured to have an opportunity to address them near the end of the session.

We encourage those of you who missed it to view the CPAC coverage here. Elizabeth’s speech can be viewed at the 1:26.00 mark.
Update on Electoral Reform

The Prime Minister has made a terrible decision. But it can be reversed. We must continue to show him that there is a clear consensus, that Canadians want proportional representation.

Parliamentary petition E-616, calling on the Liberal government to revive the electoral reform debate in the House of Commons, closed for signature on March 2nd with a historic 130,452 signatures. Thank you to all of you who took the time to sign!

Meanwhile, on International Women’s Day, Daughter’s of the Vote participant Chelsea Montgomery challenged Prime Minister Trudeau in the House of Commons with this tough question on electoral reform. Way to go Chelsea!

– What’s Next –

Once the petition has been presented to the House, the government will have 45 days to provide a written response. In the meantime, we suggest that you:

  1. Continue to call the Prime Minister’s office, write him letters, and write letters to your local Member of Parliament.
  2. Stay tuned​ for future action as we work together with our pro-democracy friends to hold the Liberals to their promise!

​​Media Updates

Elizabeth celebrates International Women’s Day 2017, here

Island Tides: Fake news, propaganda and motion 103, here.

CTV’s Power Play: “Daughters of the Vote” featuring two of the participants as well as Elizabeth May, here.

Elizabeth hosts Parliament Hill press conference calling on the government to fight for the release of Mr. El Attar, a Canadian citizen wrongfully imprisoned in Egypt. National Post article – here. One Free World International video – here.


  • Protect the ecologically sensitive Saanich Inlet by designating it a zero-discharge zone.
  • Develop a national homelessness strategy and return the tax benefits that used to accrue to developers who were building purpose-built apartment rental units.
  • Give citizens the right to know by labelling GMO products.
  • Put muscle behind the plans to expand the marine protected areas of Canada, working closely with first nations.
  • Take action against the neonicotinoid insecticides that are imperilling pollinator populations across Canada.

Read the government responses to petitions Elizabeth has introduced here

Committee Briefs

Brief Submitted to the  Expert Panel Reviewing Environmental Assessment Law

Brief Submitted to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change for the “Let’s Talk Parks Canada” Consultation

Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on International Trade for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Consultation

Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communites in Response to their Review of the Navigation Protection Act

Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans in Response to the Review of Changes to the Fisheries Act

Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development on the Canadian Environmental Protection Act

Private Members’ Bills

Elizabeth May has introduced the following bills:

Bill C-269: This bill will abolish mandatory minimum sentences for all crimes of except murder and treason.

Bill C-258: This “Think Small First” bill would require that every new bill introduced in the House undergo an assessment to determine how the bill would impact Canadian small businesses.

Bill C-259: The Open Science Act would require all federal departments to make all publicly funded scientific research available to Canadians on their websites.

For a list of private members’ bills Elizabeth May has seconded, please visit elizabethmaymp.ca

Current Federal Opportunities

Canada 150 Speakers’ Speech Writing Contest – Young Canadians from across the country are encouraged to participate in the Speakers’ Speech Writing Contest. The contest closes on April 21, 2017. Click the link for more details.

Recent Events 

Thursday, March 02 – Elizabeth joined Gerban Van Straaten for a conversation about the Earth Charter

Saturday, March 04 –  Elizabeth delivered a TEDx talk at TEDxStanleyPark  *video of the event coming soon*

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, March 15th – Join Elizabeth for an evening talk about food security at St. Mary’s Anglican Church.

Thursday, March 16th – Elizabeth will participate in the first Saanich Inlet Protection Society Roundtable

March 30th to April 2nd – Elizabeth will participate in the Global Greens & European Greens Congress in Liverpool, UK