(English) Keytstone Pipeline delay gives Canada change to stop and think Post date December 5, 2011 Post categories In Articles signés Elizabeth, Publications En anglais seulement. Tags Relations canado-américaines, L'environnement, Keystone XL Pipeline, Pipelines Post navigation ←Previous post:Premier billet de blogue en direct de la CdP 17 de Durban→Next post:(English) May registers for Durban summit through developing country after Kent declines Tags Relations canado-américaines, L'environnement, Keystone XL Pipeline, Pipelines Post navigation ←Previous post:Premier billet de blogue en direct de la CdP 17 de Durban→Next post:(English) May registers for Durban summit through developing country after Kent declines
(English) Greens deeply concerned about the growing English Bay Spill Post date April 10, 2015 Post categories In Communiqués Tags Changement climatique, L'environnement, Pipelines
(English) Opinion: I was arrested for protesting against Canada’s pipeline – and the battle is far from over Post date May 31, 2018 Post categories In Articles signés Elizabeth, Publications Tags Kinder Morgan, Pipelines, TMX, Trans Mountain Pipeline