(English) Press Conference: COP 23, UN Climate Conference in Bonn Post date November 10, 2017 Post categories In Changement climatique, COP, Conférences de presse En anglais seulement. Tags Changement climatique, COP23 Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Advisory: Elizabeth May attends COP 23 UN Climate Change conference (with itinerary)→Next post:(English) 150th Anniversary of the House: This room is about democracy Tags Changement climatique, COP23 Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Advisory: Elizabeth May attends COP 23 UN Climate Change conference (with itinerary)→Next post:(English) 150th Anniversary of the House: This room is about democracy
(English) Paris climate talks should include a legally binding treaty: May (video) Post date November 30, 2015 Post categories In COP, In the News Tags Changement climatique, COP21
(English) As the dust settles from COP21, time for action in Canada Post date January 14, 2016 Post categories In Articles signés Elizabeth, COP, Island Tides Tags Changement climatique, COP21, L'environnement