(English) The carbon tax approach to reducing GHGs is accepted by experts globally Post date May 2, 2018 Post categories In Débat, Parlement En anglais seulement. Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Elizabeth introduces Bill C-401 to lower the voting age to 16→Next post:(English) Canada must update its climate targets based on scientific findings Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Elizabeth introduces Bill C-401 to lower the voting age to 16→Next post:(English) Canada must update its climate targets based on scientific findings
Les coptes d’Égypte Post date October 27, 2011 Post categories In Débat Tags Les baha'is, Les coptes, L'Égypte, Droits de la personne, Les moines tibétains
(English) Focusing on the restoration of fisheries Post date February 14, 2018 Post categories In Débat, Parlement