Publication Source: The Kingston Whig-Standard
Source Link: View the full original article >>
Author: Elizabeth May
I note that the 2011 Conservative candidate for Kingston and the Islands, Alicia Gordon, has written a letter, attacking my recent speech in Kingston (“Tar sands opponents will stop at nothing,” Feb. 2).
The irony is that if Canada continues to ship out bitumen crude as fast as humanly possible, it is Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces that must continue to depend on imports from Angola, Nigeria, Venezuela, Norway, Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan. Fifty-five per cent of the oil used in Canada is imported. Meanwhile, bitumen crude is shipped to other countries for processing.
Every barrel of crude shipped out of Canada ships out jobs with it. The distortions from the Conservatives on the question of oilsands expansion, raw product export and risky tanker traffic keep trying to limit discussion to environment versus economy. The truth is that it is not in Canada’s interests — in terms of energy security, the environment or the economy — to follow the Harper agenda.
Elizabeth May
MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands
Leader, Green Party of Canada