We generate ideas and provide realistic solutions to advise governments, Parliament and Canadians. We proceed with resolve and optimism to bring Canada’s economy and environment closer together.
Leading through our process, we release innovative reports with considered advice on reconciling environmental and economic issues. Our reports provoke discussion. They also provoke change.
Our reports convey our advice.
- Framing the Future: Embracing the Low-Carbon Economy [2012]
- Reality Check: The State of Climate Progress in Canada [2012]
- Canada’s Opportunity: Adopting Life Cycle Approaches for Sustainable Development [2012]
- /// Advisory Repory – Facing the Elements : Building Business Resilience in a Changing Climate [2012]
- // Business Primer – Facing the Elements : Building Business Resilience in a Changing Climate [2012]
- / Case Studies – Facing the Elements : Building Business Resilience in a Changing Climate [2012]
- Report Overview – Facing the elements: Building Business Resilience in a Changing Climate [2012]
- NRT National Water Forum Report: Moving to Action [2012]
- Parallel Paths: Canada-U.S. Climate Policy Choices [2011]
- Paying The Price: The Economic Impacts Of Climate Change For Canada [2011]
- Charting a Course: Sustainable Water Use by Canada’s Natural Resource Sectors [2011]
- Response of the NRTEE to its Obligations Under the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act
(the government’s fourth Plan released in May 2011) [2011] - Degrees of Change: Climate Warming and the Stakes for Canada [2010]
- Measuring Up: Benchmarking Canada’s Competitiveness in a Low-Carbon World [2010]
- Climate Prosperity: The Economic Risks and Opportunities of Climate Change for Canada [2010]
- Changing Currents: Water Sustainability and the Future of Canada’s Natural Resource Sectors [2010]
- 2010 Response of the NRTEE to its Obligations Under the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act
(the government’s fourth Plan released in May 2010) [2010] - Oil Sands: From Debate to Dialogue [2010]
- Achieving Sustainable Development Together:Progress through Process [2010]
- Towards a Canadian Clean Energy Strategy: Summary of the Banff Clean Energy Dialogue, [April 8-10, 2010]
- True North: Adapting Infrastructure to Climate Change in Northern Canada [2009]
- Achieving 2050: A Carbon Pricing Policy for Canada [2009]
- Outreach Report – Achieving 2050: A Carbon Pricing Policy for Canada [2009]
- Technical Report – Achieving 2050: A Carbon Pricing Policy for Canada [2009]
- Charting a Path: Water and Canada’s Natural Resource Sectors – Discussion Paper [February 2009]
- Geared for Change: Energy Efficiency in Canada’s Commercial Building Sector [2009]
- 2009 Response of the NRTEE to its Obligations Under the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act
(the government’s third Plan released in May 2009) [2009] - Response of the NRTEE to its Obligations Under the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act
(the government’s second Plan released on May 31, 2008) [2008] - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Forecasting: Learning from International Best Practices [2008]
- Developing Ambient Air Quality Objectives for Canada [2008]
- Getting to 2050: Canada’s Transition to a Low-emission Future [2007]
- Capital Markets and Sustainability: Investing in a sustainable future [2007]
- Response of the NRTEE to its Obligations Under the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act
(the government’s first Plan released on August 21, 2007) [2007] - Advice on a Long-term Strategy on Energy and Climate Change [2006]
- Economic Instruments for Long-term Reductions in Energy-based Carbon Emissions [2005]
- Boreal Futures: Governance, Conservation and Development in Canada’s Boreal [2005]
- National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy Advice to the Prime Minister in Advance of COP 11 [2005]
- Greening Canada’s Brownfields: A National Framework for Encouraging Redevelopment of Qualifying Brownfields through Removal of Crown Liens and Tax Arrears [2005]
- Environment and Sustainable Development Indicators for Canada [2004]
- Securing Canada’s Natural Capital: A Vision for Nature Conservation in the 21st Century [2004]
- Cleaning up the Past, Building the Future: A National Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy for Canada [2003]
- State of the Debate – Environmental Quality in Canadian Cities: The Federal Role [2003]
- State of the Debate – Environment and Sustainable Development Indicators for Canada [2003]
- State of the Debate – Securing Canada’s Natural Capital: A Vision for Nature Conservation in the 21st Century [2003]
- Toward a Canadian Agenda for Ecological Fiscal Reform: First Steps [2002]
- State of the Debate: Aboriginal Communities and Non-Renewable Resource Development [2001]
- State of the Debate: Managing Potentially Toxic Substances in Canada [2001]
- Eco-efficiency Indicators – Calculating Eco-efficiency Indicators: A Workbook for Industry [2001]
- Achieving a Balance: Four Challenges for Canada in the Next Decade [2000]
- Canada’s Options for a Domestic Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Program [1999]
- Measuring Eco-efficiency in Business: Feasibility of a Core Set of Indicators [1999]
- Declaration of the National Forum on Climate Change [1998]
- Sustainable Strategies for Oceans: A Co-Management Guide [1998]
- State of the Debate: Greening Canada’s Brownfield Sites [1998]
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Transportation [1998]
- Private Woodlot Management in the Maritimes [1997]
- Going for Green: Meeting Foreign Demand for Environmentally Preferable Products and Services through Federal Procurement [1997]
- Measuring Eco-efficiency in Business [1997]
- Contaminated Site Issues in Canada [1997]
- The Financial Services Sector and Brownfield Redevelopment [1997]
- Removing Barriers: Redeveloping Contaminated Sites for Housing [1997]
- Improving Site-Specific Data on the Environmental Condition of Land [1997]
- State of the Debate – Private Woodlot Management in the Maritime [1997]
- State of the Debate – The Road to Sustainable Transportation in Canada [1997]
- State of the Debate – Water and Wastewater Services in Canada [1996]
- Building Consensus for a Sustainable Future: Putting Principles into Practice [1996]
- Sustainable Transportation in Canada [1996]
- Discussion Paper: Business Strategies for Sustainable Development in the Canadian Energy Sector [1996]
- Summary Report: Development of Criteria for Green Procurement [March 1996]
- The Report of the Partnership on Sustainable Coastal Communities and Marine Ecosystems in Newfoundland and Labrador [1995]
- Projet de Societe: Canadian Choices for Transitions to Sustainability [1995]
- Pathways to Sustainability: Assessing Our Progress [1995]
- A Practical Introduction to Environment Management on Canadian Campuses [1995]
- The Halifax Summit, Sustainable Development, and International Institutional Reform [1995]
- A Strategy for Sustainable Transportation in Ontario: Report of the Transportation and Climate Change [1995]
- Advancing Sustainable Development at the Summit of the Americas – Volume 3: NRTEE Discussion Paper and Summit Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action [1995]
- Projet de société: Planning for a sustainable future – Canadian Choices for Transitions to Sustainability [1995]
- Forest Round Table on Sustainable Development [1994]
- Local Round Tables Realizing Their Full Potential [1994]
- Projet de société: Planning for a sustainable future – A Partnership for Change [1994]
- Advancing Sustainable Development at the Summit of the Americas – Volume 1: Report of a Workshop July 11, 1994 Washington, DC [1994]
- Building Consensus for a Sustainable Future: Guiding Principles [1993]
- Trade, Environment and Competitiveness [1993]
- Sustainable Development: Getting There From Here [1993]
- Forest Round Table on Sustainable Development [1993]
- Report to the Prime Minister: Toward Reporting Progress on Sustainable Development in Canada [1993]
- Shaping Consensus: A North American Commission on the Environment and NAFTA [1993]
- Covering the Environement [1993]
- Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism [1992]
- Green Guide: A User’s Guide to Sustainable Development for Canadian Colleges [1992]
- You Can’t Give It Away: Tax Aspects of Ecologically Sensitive Lands [1992]
- Future Links – Youth Round Tables in Canada [1992]
- Toward Sustainable Communities [1992]
- Trade Environment & Competitiveness [1992]
- Model Round Table for Youth Kit [1992]
- On the Road to Brazil: The Earth Summit [1991]
- Sustainable Development: A Manager’s Handbook [1991]
- Decision Making Practices for Sustainable Development [1991]
- Focus 2000: A Small Business Guide to Environmental Management [1991]
- Canada – Japan Workshop on the Environment : A Summary of the Discussion [1991]
- The National Waste Reduction Handbook [1991]
- Preserving Our World: A Consumer’s Guide to the Brundtland Report [1990]
- Report on Plans and Priorities 2012-2013
- Annual Report 2011-2012
- Report on Plans and Priorities 2011-2012
- Departmental Performance Report 2011-2012
- Annual Report 2010-2011
- Report on Plans and Priorities 2010-2011
- Departmental Performance Report 2010-2011
- Annual Report 2009-2010
- Report on Plans and Priorities 2009-2010
- Departmental Performance Report 2009-2010
- Annual Report 2008-2009
- Report on Plans and Priorities 2008-2009
- Departmental Performance Report 2008-2009
- Annual Report 2007-2008
- Departmental Performance Report 2007-2008
- Annual Report 2006-2007
- Departmental Performance Report 2006-2007
- Annual Report 2005-2006
- Report on Plans and Priorities 2005-2006
- Annual Report 2004-2005
- Report on Plans and Priorities 2004-2005
- Departmental Performance Report 2004-2005
- Annual Report 2003-2004
- Report on Plans and Priorities 2003-2004
- Departmental Performance Report 2003-2004
- Annual Report 2002-2003
- Report on Plans and Priorities 2002-2003
- Annual Report 2001-2002
- Report on Plans and Priorities 2001-2002
- Annual Report 2000-2001
- Report on Plans and Priorities 2000-2001