(English) Paris climate talks should include a legally binding treaty: May (video) Post date November 30, 2015 Post categories In COP, In the News En anglais seulement. Tags Changement climatique, COP21 Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Canada should re-ratify Kyoto, says Elizabeth May→Next post:(English) Power, Hope and Sleepless Nights – Elizabeth May on COP 21 Tags Changement climatique, COP21 Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Canada should re-ratify Kyoto, says Elizabeth May→Next post:(English) Power, Hope and Sleepless Nights – Elizabeth May on COP 21
(English) COP21 Day 2 Post date December 1, 2015 Post categories In Blogues, COP Tags Changement climatique, COP21, L'environnement
(English) May says text of climate change treaty ‘weak in about 100 different parts’ Post date November 23, 2015 Post categories In In the News, Publications Tags Changement climatique, COP21