(English) Spared the axe: the arguments that helped save the Plant Health Centre Post date November 15, 2012 Post categories In Island Tides, Publications Tags Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments, Centre for Plant Health, Dr. Richard Stace-Smith, Experimental Lakes Area, Gulf Islands National Park, Marine Contaminants Programme, National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, Parks Canada, Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Lab, Saanich-Gulf Islands
Pourquoi le premier ministre a-t-il des objectifs plus ambitieux pour les sables bitumineux que pour les champs de pétrole? Post date October 22, 2012 Post categories In Articles signés Elizabeth Tags La Loi canadienne sur l'évaluation environnementale, la Chine, L'énergie, Experimental Lakes Area, Foreign Investment, Foreign Trade, George Bush, Affaires étrangères, National Energy Board, Navigable Waters Protection Act, Sables bitumineux, Pétrole, Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Lab, Science, Species at Risk, War of 1812
(English) Scientists Rally in Victoria against the Harper Conservatives’ Assault on Science, Environmental Monitoring, and Information Dissemination Post date September 14, 2012 Post categories In Communiqués Tags L'environnement, Experimental Lakes Area, Greenhouse Gases, Les carottes glaciaires, National Round, L'exploration pétrolière, Ozone Monitoring, Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Lab, Saanich-Gulf Islands, Science
(English) Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (ENVI) Post date March 12, 2012 Post categories In Uncategorized Tags La Loi canadienne sur l'évaluation environnementale, Coal-Fired Power Plants, L'environnement, Les Premières nations, Sables bitumineux, Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Lab, Weather and Warning Services