(English) Tracking Copenhagen Post date December 17, 2009 Post categories In Island Tides Tags APEC, le Brésil, la Chine, Changement climatique, CdP15, Danemark, L'énergie, L'environnement, La France, Germany, Les niveaux de GES, Greenhouse Gases, Protocole de Kyoto, Sidney, Royaume-Uni, Nations Unies, États-Unis Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Local food: defending what’s local, healthy and organic→Next post:(English) Copenhagen Reflections: was anything accomplished? Tags APEC, le Brésil, la Chine, Changement climatique, CdP15, Danemark, L'énergie, L'environnement, La France, Germany, Les niveaux de GES, Greenhouse Gases, Protocole de Kyoto, Sidney, Royaume-Uni, Nations Unies, États-Unis Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Local food: defending what’s local, healthy and organic→Next post:(English) Copenhagen Reflections: was anything accomplished?
(English) Why is Canada spending $16 billion on fighter jets? Post date August 5, 2010 Post categories In Island Tides Tags L'énergie, F-35, Hi-Speed Rail, Défense nationale, Transports
(English) An Opportunity Lost—Will Canada’s G-8 And G-20 Have Too Narrow A Focus? Post date May 27, 2010 Post categories In Island Tides Tags Africa, Changement climatique, CdP17, L'environnement, European Union, G20, G8, Affaires étrangères, Pauvreté, Scotland, Nations Unies, Les jeunes