(English) Why the mania for exporting a product we could refine and sell here? Post date February 13, 2018 Post categories In Débat, Kinder Morgan, Parlement En anglais seulement. Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Will the Minister agree that shipping solid bitumen by train is without risk?→Next post:(English) What study claims Trans Mountain creates more jobs than it kills? Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Will the Minister agree that shipping solid bitumen by train is without risk?→Next post:(English) What study claims Trans Mountain creates more jobs than it kills?
Loi no 2 sur le plan d’action économique de 2013 (le projet do loi C-4) Post date October 24, 2013 Post categories In Débat
Les investissements étrangers (A) Post date February 15, 2012 Post categories In Débat Tags la Chine, Économie, Foreign Investment, Hunan Rights, Affaires étrangères, Justice, National Security, Sables bitumineux, Pakistan, PetroChina, Sinopec, le Tibet, Commerce, Uranium