“As the broken promises and half-delivered, half-measures pile up, it is time for a mid-course correction,” said Elizabeth May.
“Cancelling the promise that 2015 would be the last election under First Past the Post is a significant betrayal of the faith of millions of Canadians. The Liberal platform also promised to end subsidies for fossil fuels, but budgets in 2016 and 2017 have left them in place.
“Environmental reviews on energy projects will remain enmeshed in inappropriate agencies – the National Energy Board, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and Atlantic Offshore Petroleum Boards.
“And despite a commitment to ‘restore lost protections’ to waterways removed after the Harper Conservatives dismantled the Navigable Waters Protection Act, it appears Transport Minister Marc Garneau will leave these devastating changes in place. These federal protections are critical to protecting freshwater from polluters and environmentally destructive projects,” Ms. May said.
Full report card available here.