A Green Speech from the Throne

In an exercise to help Canadians envision a Greener Canada, Elizabeth May, Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands and Leader of the Green Party of Canada, has drafted her very own version of today’s Speech from the Throne.

In this exercise, the Governor General’s speech has been prepared by the cabinet of a Green government, and outlines the direction and priorities this Parliament would work towards in this upcoming session.

This “Citizens First Agenda” outlines policies and objectives that put Canadians and their interests first – from healthcare, to environmental protection, climate change adaptation, transparency, justice for First Nations and a restoration of our global reputation, with a firm foundation in establishing a true and healthy democracy.

An excerpt of the speech reads:

“Democracy in the 21st Century hangs in a vulnerable place – between corporate rule, totalitarianism and hyper-partisan manipulation. If a prime minister sits with royalty in ceremony, it won’t be long before conventions are violated. The early decisions by a previous prime minister to shut down the House, prorogation of parliament, in 2008 and 2009, were essentially unconstitutional. If we are to preserve a real democracy, we need to remember that our somewhat colourful customs are symbolic reminders of fundamental principles:

To be legitimate, government must exist by consent of the governed;

Parliament is supreme;

The prime minister reports to parliament and not the other way around.”

A full copy of the speech is available at https://elizabethmaymp.ca/green-speech-throne. Follow Elizabeth May and the Green Party of Canada on twitter for live updates from the Speech from the Throne, commencing today at 4:30pm ET.

Elizabeth May – @ElizabethMay
The Green Party of Canada – @CanadianGreens