A Statement on Hanukkah

December 12, 2017
(OTTAWA) – A statement ahead of the first night of Hanukkah, beginning this evening at sundown.

“Hanukkah is a celebration of freedom and justice in the face of persecution and oppression. This holiday is an important time for Jewish Canadians to gather in the company of loved ones and bring warmth and light into our world through the lighting of the hanukkiah, as the miracle of the burning oil in the Hebrew Temple is commemorated over eight nights,” said Elizabeth May (MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands).

“I offer my very best wishes to all those celebrating this joyous occasion. May this festival of lights ignite in all of us a renewed commitment to the struggle against oppression, as billions of people strive for a brighter future for themselves and their families around the world,” concluded Ms. May.