All Canadians must work together on MMIW recommendations, says Elizabeth May

OTTAWA — Green Party Leader Elizabeth May said today that she accepts the key findings of the inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous woman, including that the ongoing impacts of colonialism amount to a genocide.

“We need a fundamental shift and that shift must begin with dignity for all Indigenous peoples,” said Ms. May. “Every Canadian has a part to play in implementing the recommendations of the inquiry”

The final report, released today, has more than 200 recommendations, including a call for governments and police to develop an effective response to human trafficking, sexual exploitation and violence.

“It means respect, an end to policies of assimilation, and strong support for health and education on and off reserve. It means ending poverty in Canada with a guaranteed liveable income.”

Green Party Indigenous Affair critic, Lorraine Rekmans said: “It must be a priority for any government to empower Indigenous women, girls and gender diverse people to ensure an end to these horrors. We must invest in healing the trauma and empowering women to move forward. These recommendations must be enacted to send clear signals that we all find this situation intolerable.”

Ms. May said that she will read the inquiry’s 1,200-page report and she urged all Canadians to do the same. “My hope is that this report will help us to realize that the issues affecting Indigenous peoples in Canada are complex and cannot be addressed without full recognition of the terrible violence of centuries of assault upon their traditional cultures and values.”


For more information:
John Chenery
613-562-4916 ext. 215