Dear Concerned Citizen,
I am writing to you today to draw your attention to an important piece of legislation currently in the House of Commons, Bill S-203, the Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act (also known as the Free Willy Bill). This groundbreaking bill has received support from the majority of parties in the House of Commons.
As the title says, Bill S-203 will phase out keeping whales, dolphins and porpoises in captivity across Canada. The fact is, Canada is behind on this issue. The United Kingdom, Italy, New Zealand, Chile, Cyprus, Hungary and Mexico have all already banned or severely restricted these inhumane practices and over 20 leading marine scientists have endorsed the bill. Right now in Canada, there are over 75 whales and dolphins in captivity. Bill S-203 will phase out the holding of cetaceans in Canada, except for rescues, rehabilitation, licensed scientific research, or for the animals’ best interest.

When held in captivity these animals suffer from confinement isolation, health problems, reduced lifespans, sensory deprivation and much more. The practice of keeping cetaceans in captivity for the sole purpose of entertainment is inherently cruel and must stop. I am doing everything I can, working with my colleagues in the House of Commons to pass this bill – but we need your help. Today I am asking you to take action, and here is how:
- Sign the House of Commons e-petition 1919
- Get 25 friends (or more) to sign this paper petition and send it to my office so I can present it on your behalf in the House of Commons
- Send a letter to your MP using Humane Society International – Canada’s letter writing tool
- Sign the Green Party of Canada’s petition to “Free Willy”
If you would like to find out more about Bill S-203, you can watch my speech in the House of Commons or read the briefing package that was sent to all Members of Parliament. If you are still looking for more ways to support Bill S-203, forward this email to 5 friends or pick up the phone and call your Member of Parliament.
Thank you for all that you do, together we will make a difference.
For the whales,
Elizabeth May, O.C.
Member of Parliament
Saanich-Gulf Islands
Leader of the Green Party of Canada