COP21 Day 10

After 5 hours of commentary, complaint and suggested possibilities for compromise, the informal round of talks called an “indaba” broke up at 5 am. If President Fabius (who personally chaired this session) thought we had made progress, it was not evident.

We are circling the drain. Not just those of us in Le Bourget, but the whole of humankind. Our text speaks of funds for “organized migration and planned relocation.” So having procrastinated since 1992 and allowed GHG to rise, we now are talking about helping low lying island states pick up and move.

The so-called leaders spoke in lofty tones. Then the talks are left to negotiate a weak text. But the “leaders” gave no negotiating instructions to their countries’ negotiating teams. And we are back to protecting narrow self-interest.

I do not want to paint too bleak a picture. These talks could still give us a workable, useful treaty. But right now, it is a long way from a sure thing.