Today on International Day of Pink, the Green Party of Canada joins with millions of Canadians nation-wide in celebrating diversity and calling for an end to homophobic bullying.
This year Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and Member of Parliament for Saanich–Gulf Islands will join other progressive leaders from across Canada in participating as an International Day of Pink Ambassador.
“It is a huge honour for me to have been invited to become an Ambassador for Day of Pink,” said May. “This is a day to stand up against bullying, to stand up against homophobia and discrimination of all kinds, and to say to young people who may be victims of bullying: speak up, and reach out.”
International Day of Pink is an anti-bullying initiative that began at a Nova Scotia high school in 2007, when two students were able to get their whole school to wear pink shirts in solidarity with a classmate who was a victim of homophobic bullying. Today, it is celebrated in communities across Canada and around the world.