Education best way to fight Lyme disease

Publication Source: The Daily News
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Author: Chris Powell

Dr. Perry Kendall tried to reassure readers that should you get a tick bite, the standard Lyme test is just fine. Indeed this same test has been shown in published studies to be less accurate than a coin toss.

A survey of B.C. doctors showed 63% didn’t even know that the bullseye rash was diagnostic of Lyme disease and should be treated immediately.

Why would the BCCDC state there were only a handful of cases of Lyme disease when according to their own survey 200 patients were treated for Lyme disease in 2007? Will the numbers be updated or will the myth be perpetuated?

Education is the only way to get the job done. Elizabeth May’s bill for a National Lyme strategy is a huge step in the right direction.

Chris Powell

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