July 06, 2018
(OTTAWA) — Elizabeth May is supporting a recommendation for the Canadian government to work with international partners to appoint a Special Envoy to promote, monitor and report on the human rights situation of Palestinian children living in the Palestinian territory, upholding the standards of international law and international children’s rights.
From March 30 to April 6, Ms. May participated in a study trip to Palestine and Israel with 17 other MPs from all five federal parties. The trip, organized by the Canada-Palestinian Parliamentary Friendship Group, coincided with border demonstrations where Israeli snipers shot and killed unarmed Palestinian protesters.
The group’s report released this month condemns violence on both sides and advocates a peaceful two-state solution. The report’s 15 MP signatories further recommend that the Canadian government “continue and increase its financial assistance to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNWRA) and spearhead an effort among international partners to assist UNWRA financially”.
Finally, the report recommends that “the government use all available diplomatic efforts, including votes at the United Nations, to bring about a halt to Israeli settlement construction in the Palestinian territories.”
“Our trip to the occupied territories of the West Bank, Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah and Jerusalem was a tragic reminder of the routine human rights violations Palestinians have suffered for decades under the military rule of an occupying army,” said Ms. May. “This humanitarian crisis cannot continue.”
“The United States under Trump can no longer be trusted to act as an honest broker in this conflict. Canada can step up to fill that vacuum. The status quo cannot continue,” concluded Ms. May.