Elizabeth May: Question on Commitment to Asbestos Ban

Oral Questions

December 14th, 2016 / 3:05 p.m.

Elizabeth May Saanich—Gulf Islands, BC

Mr. Speaker, it is my great hope that we could leave this place with glad tidings. I hear news that the Government of Canada, after decades of inaction, is finally prepared to ban the use, import, and export of asbestos. I hope this is true. I ask the Prime Minister if this can be confirmed, and whether Canada will also take action to list asbestos under the Rotterdam Convention so that developing countries can have prior informed consent.

Kirsty Duncan – Minister of Science

Mr. Speaker, our government is committed to moving forward on a ban on asbestos. I am working with my colleagues on a government-wide approach, and I can tell the House that I will be announcing additional timelines by the end of the year.

Our government has already taken action by placing a ban on the use of asbestos in new government construction and has put in place a national asbestos inventory.