Elizabeth May: Mr. Speaker, I am wondering if the Minister of Justice relating to Bill C-51, the act to create a new secret police. I am wondering if he can answer two specific questions. One is whether the—Mr. Speaker, I am wondering if I could continue. There was too much noise.
My question to the Minister of Justice is simple. Two thingsill he amend the act to ensure that non-violent civil disobedience is precluded from the ambit of the act?
And two, could he please explain to the House the purpose of part 4, section 42, that in taking measures to reduce the threat to the security of Canada, CSIS shall not “violate the sexual integrity of an individual”. Why was that—
Peter MacKay: Mr. Speaker, with respect to the first part of the member’s question, I think that over-the-top rhetoric is quite insulting to our security forces.
To the second part of her question regarding the protections against lawful protest, this is covered by the act. This would not pose a threat to individuals who engage in lawful assembly.
I spoke to the earlier part of her question with regard to the mandate of CSIS not extending beyond its lawful authority and, of course, being subject to judicial oversight.