Week in Review: June 11 – 15
Welcome to Elizabeth May's parliamentary week in review! This weekly e-newsletter recaps her work in Parliament when the House is in session. Using the links below, you can watch videos of Elizabeth's interventions in the House, keep up with her media releases, and read articles she has written.
Midnight sittings in the House continued this week. Seizing every opportunity to speak before the summer recess, Elizabeth made almost three dozen interventions on climate change, pipelines, carbon pricing, the Fisheries Act, the environmental protections bill, and cannabis legalization.
Thank you to all those who have signed Elizabeth's petition to halt the government's purchase of the Trans Mountain pipeline. Between the acceleration of pipeline accidents over the past two years and Kinder Morgan's admission of non-compliance with the Fisheries Act, it is painfully obvious that this government has made an atrocious deal on the backs of taxpayers. Show them how much Canadians disagree with their decision by helping Elizabeth get to 12 000 signatures! The e-petition can be found here.
* If you are having trouble viewing this email, please view online at: https://elizabethmaymp.ca/category/news/week-in-review/
Key Moments in the House
Adjournment Proceedings
Question Period
Bill C-68: An Act to amend the Fisheries Act
- Moving aquaculture from DFO to the Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food
- Protecting our fish does not thwart economic development
- Bill C-38 took away the resources and the impetus for DFO to act on local overfishing
- The list of considerations for action in this bill hardly ties the minister's hands
- The Kinder Morgan pipeline does not have legal permission to proceed
- There is not a single study anywhere that tells us Kinder Morgan would be a long-term job creator
- Municipalities have weighed in and they want protection of fish habitat
NDP Opposition Motion: Global Climate Change and Clean Energy Leadership
- We cannot expand greenhouse-gas emitting facilities and still meet the Paris target
- Buying a dirty bitumen pipeline will sabotage our Paris goals
- Canada is not pulling our fair share as the world works to limit global temperature increase
- We need to do the right thing for the climate before 2020. We cannot wait until 2030.
- There is so much missing in this budget to respond to climate change
- Bitumen is a solid shipped most safely by train
- In an open ocean, bitumen will likely sink, emulsify, and form a lard-like substance
- The government is not meeting the goals of the environment and the economy going hand in hand
- Propaganda about the oil sands seems to get away with the aura of fact
- Kinder Morgan's dodgy finances
Bill C-69: An Act to enact the Impact Assessment Act and the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, to amend the Navigation Protection Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
- The changed nature of 'protection' for navigable waters
- In 2017, solar investment alone eclipsed investment in coal, nuclear, and all the renewables
- The E.U., the U.S. and New Zealand are all much stronger in their anticipatory environmental assessments
- There is no question that big oil has been exiting the oil sands
- Why did the Minister of Natural Resources ignore his mandate letter?
Bill C-45: Cannabis
CPC Opposition Motion: Carbon Tax
- The majority of voters are with this government on carbon pricing
- Dumping pollution into the atmosphere should not be free
- If we lose either polar ice sheet, it would contribute eight metres to sea level rise
CPC Opposition Motion: Iran
- Cutting off Iran does not help anyone, and it does not help the people of Iran
- There is a diplomatic benefit to having a presence on the ground when fighting for human rights
In the News
- "The difference between a plan and a wish list"
(Elizabeth May, The Hill Times, June 13) - "Why we need a public inquiry into the Hassan Diab case"
(Elizabeth May, Ottawa Citizen, June 13) - Interview with Rick Gibbons on Trade
(1310 News, June 11; Scroll to 33:00) - Interview with Jean-Piere Girard
(Y'a des matins, June 15)
La chef du Parti vert en visite dans la région
(Radio-Canada: Saquenay-Lac Saint-Jean, June 15)
Sign Elizabeth's petition to halt the purchase of Kinder Morgan!
- Limit acoustic and physical disturbances in the critical habitat of the southern resident killer whale by increasing vessel approach distances to 200 metres
- Immediately end the Trans Mountain expansion project
- Implement all 75 of Justice Cohen's recommendations on protecting salmon
Elizabeth presents petitions once the deadline for signatures has passed. After presentation in the House, the government has 45 calendar days to table a response.
You may read the governments' responses to petitions Elizabeth has introduced here.
View and sign open e-petitions currently sponsored by Elizabeth here.
Learn about the e-petition process or create one of your own here.
Community Newsletter
April 2018 Newsletter – Children
Committees, Briefs and Responses
Submission to the Consultations on an Amendment to Aquaculture Regulation
Submission to the Transport Canada Parliamentary Consultation
Submission to the Consultations on the federal Carbon Pricing System
Submission to the Consultations on the Federal Leaders' Debates
Submission to the Consultations on Health Canada’s Proposed Approach to the Regulation of Cannabis
Submission to the Consultations on the Proposed Excise Duty Framework for Cannabis Products
Submission to the Canada-Pacific Trade Consultations
Brief Submitted to the NAFTA Renegotiation Consultation
Brief Submitted to the Minister of Food and Agriculture Canada for "A Food Policy for Canada"
Response Submitted to the Consultations on Tax Planning Using Private Corporations
Private Members' Bills
Elizabeth May has introduced the following bills:
Bill C-401: This bill will lower the voting age to 16.
Bill C-387: This bill will establish a legislative framework for a national passenger rail service.
Bill C-269: This bill will abolish mandatory minimum sentences for all crimes except murder and treason.
Bill C-258: This "Think Small First" bill would require that every new bill introduced in the House undergo an assessment to determine how the bill would impact Canadian small businesses.
Bill C-259: The Open Science Act would require all federal departments to make all publicly funded scientific research available to Canadians on their websites.
For a list of private members' bills Elizabeth May has seconded, please visit elizabethmaymp.ca.
Upcoming Events
Friday, June 15
Saturday, June 16
- Elizabeth attends Gulf Islands Secondary School's 2018 Graduation Ceremony
- Elizabeth speaks at the Salt Spring Proportional Representation Forum
Sunday, June 17
Thursday, June 21
- Elizabeth speaks at Fair Vote Canada's event in support of electoral reform in British Columbia
- Elizabeth presents awards at the Cordova Bay Community Leadership Awards
Friday June 22 to Sunday June 24
- Elizabeth joins in the 2018 Tour des Iles!
- Elizabeth attends the REVolutionSS festival on Salt Spring Island
Friday, June 22
Saturday, June 23
Sunday, June 24
Monday, June 25 to Tuesday, June 26
Wednesday, June 27
Thursday, June 28
- Elizabeth attends Stelly's Secondary School 2018 Student Awards Ceremony
- Elizabeth attends Claremont Secondary School's 2018 Graduation Ceremony
Friday, June 29
Saturday, June 30