Elizabeth’s Week in Review – November 10, 2017

Week in Review: November 6 – 10

November 10, 2017

Welcome to Elizabeth May's parliamentary week in review! This weekly e-newsletter recaps her work in Parliament when the House is in session. Using the links below, you can watch videos of Elizabeth's interventions in the House, keep up with her media releases, and read articles she has written. 

This week, Elizabeth spoke on the Budget Implementation Act, questioned the Minister of Transport on improving Canada's passenger rail service, and made a statement in honour of Remembrance Day. The House is on break next week, but Elizabeth will be busy in negotiations for the Canadian delegation at COP 23, the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, held this year in Bonn, Germany.

This newsletter covers Elizabeth's work in the House from November 6 to November 10, 2017.

* If you are having trouble viewing this email, please view online at: https://elizabethmaymp.ca/category/news/week-in-review/ 

Key Moments in the House


Question Period

Point of Order


COP 23 UN Climate Change Conference

Elizabeth attends the 23rd annual Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Bonn, Germany, as a member of the Canadian government's delegation. She participates in the negotiations from Nov. 13 to 19. 

Elizabeth held a press conference on Monday to discuss her goals for COP, which you can watch here.

Remembrance Day

Elizabeth prepared the following remarks in honour of Remembrance Day.




Remembrance Day French

Current Issues: Amendments

Bill C-58 Access to Information and Privacy Act

In September, Elizabeth raised numerous concerns over the government bill to amend the Access to Information and Privacy Act. Criticism of Bill C-58 is not limited to the opposition parties. The Canadian Association of Journalists, experts like Michael Geist, and many other groups have concluded that the Liberals have run adrift of their campaign promise to enhance government transparency.

On Wednesday, the parliamentary committee on ethics completed their three week study of Bill C-58, passing just ten amendments. Elizabeth's was the only opposition party amendment accepted by the Liberal-dominated committee. If passed as amended in the House, it will make obligatory the public disclosure of ministers' mandate letters within 30 days of being issued or revised. More on this here

Bill S-3 An Act to amend the Indian Act

Elizabeth was pleased by the amendments put forward by the Senate to work towards eliminating sex-based discrimination in the Indian Act. In June, she had proposed similar amendments, but they were defeatd at committee and report stage. The Senate's proposal marks a compromise. She hopes to see both Chambers embrace the full scope of changes so that status cannot be denied due to an antiquated and patriarchal system. 

In the Media

Public Statements


Elizabeth introduced the following petitions to the government this week: 

  • Implement Mr. Justice Bruce Cohen's 75 recommendations in the Commission of Inquiry regarding Canada's wild salmon.
  • Remove current security certificates and refrain from deporting those who have been helped by security ceritificates.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support the global south as it faces the impacts of climate change, driven disproportionately by northern industrialized countries like Canada. 
  • Implement the 75 recommendations in the Cullen report to protect wild salmon from toxic fish factories on both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of Canada.
  • Put an end to the trade, distribution and sale of shark fins.  
  • The Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans should work with other branches to improve the creation of marine protected areas.
  • Implement a national affordable housing program in line with the plan put forward by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. 
  • Implement a national strategy for environmental education to complement provincial efforts. 

Note: Elizabeth presents petitions once the deadline for signatures has passed. After presentation in the House, the government has 45 calendar days to table a response. You may read the governments' responses to petitions Elizabeth has introduced here.

View and sign open e-petitions currently sponsored by Elizabeth here.

Learn about the e-petition process or create one of your own here.

Community Newsletter

September 2017 Newsletter – Repair our Environmental, Privacy and Security Laws

Committee Briefs & Responses

Submission to the Canada-Pacific Trade Consultations

Brief Submitted to the NAFTA Renegotiation Consultation

Brief Submitted to the Minister of Food and Agriculture Canada for "A Food Policy for Canada"

Response Submitted to the Consultations on Tax Planning Using Private Corporations

Response Submitted to the "Environment and Regulatory Reviews: Discussion Paper"

Brief Submitted to the Expert Panel Reviewing Environmental Assessment Law

Brief Submitted to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change for the "Let's Talk Parks Canada" Consultation

Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on International Trade for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Consultation

Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities in Response to their Review of the Navigation Protection Act

Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans in Response to the Review of Changes to the Fisheries Act

Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development on the Canadian Environmental Protection Act

Private Members' Bills

Elizabeth May has introduced the following bills:

Bill C-269: This bill will abolish mandatory minimum sentences for all crimes except murder and treason.

Bill C-258: This "Think Small First" bill would require that every new bill introduced in the House undergo an assessment to determine how the bill would impact Canadian small businesses.

Bill C-259: The Open Science Act would require all federal departments to make all publicly funded scientific research available to Canadians on their websites.

For a list of private members' bills Elizabeth May has seconded, please visit elizabethmaymp.ca.

Recent Events 

Wednesday, November 9

Thursday, November 9

Upcoming Events

Saturday, November 11

​Monday, November 12 to Sunday, November 19

Sunday, November 12

Monday, November 13

Wednesday, November 15

Thursday, November 16

​Thursday, November 23

Tuesday, November 28

Wednesday, November 29

As always, the support of the Green Party of Canada has been invaluable in enabling Elizabeth to hold the government to account on such a large number of issues. For more information on their work, or to get involved, please visit: https://www.greenparty.ca/