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Author: Staff
@ElizabethMay responds to Budget 2012
For more than 13 hours, NDP MP Peter Julian responded to the budget leaving no time for input from other MPs or parties. As the finance critic continued to read tweets in the House, the Green Party leader weighed into the stream:
- @parliament_nil The role of Official Opposition is not to read 140 character messages out loud. Substance on this outrage needed. #cdnpoli
- @parliament_nil @MPJulian Half of debate time is now elapsed and I am worried other MPs, incl NDP MPs, will never speak. #CPC #HoC
- @zoe_brooks I wish this was constructive. There is so much wrong with the budget; reading tweets is superficial treatment. #cdnpoli
- You may notice in twitterverse, since I can’t speak on budget, maybe Peter Julian will read out some facts from my tweets. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: no funding to maintain PEARL High Arctic atmospheric lab at Eureka on Ellesmere Island. #cdnpoli #antiscience
- Budget 2012: No $$ for climate science. Nat Research Council “refocus on business-led, industry-relevant” science. #cdnpoli #antiscience
- Budget 2012: No $$ to save EcoEnergy retro-fit programme. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: MORE money to oil and gas industry. $165 million new for pipelines, tankers, off-shore drilling (and soem mining). #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: National Round Table on Environment and Economy killed. Cost less than new spending to harass enviro groups. #cdnpoli
- @dgardner @SusanDelacourt Harper and co only attack Kevin Page, PBO. He does deserve the thanks of Canadians.
- Budget 2012: $107 million to AECL for medical isotopes, after giving away the rest of AECL. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: federal support for oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of St. Lawrence without promised env review. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: Delivering the last nails in the coffin of Can Environmental Assessment Act. #cdnpoli
- @SaveEC Yes. This is in addition to the existing $1.2 billion in oil sands subsidies. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: “Deeper Canada-China Ties” section makes no reference to human rights. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: CIDA cut $320 million by 2014-15. 10% cut from overseas aid. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: food safety cut $56 million from Can Food Inspection Agency. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: Reduced resources to deal with immigration and refugee back-log. $13 million IRBC cut. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: dumb on tourism. Cutting $14 million Can Tourism Commission. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: Further eroding Cdn diplomacy. $80 million projected in selling off official residences. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: total cuts to Foreign Affairs (not incl CIDA) $169.8 million. #cdnpoli
- “Budget 2012: cuts to Heritage. CBC cut 9% ($115 mill) Telefim cut $10 mill, Libraries and Archives cut $9.6 mill. NFB cut $7 mill #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: No climate change discussion; zero funding. $99 mill to deal with 2011 flooding. No ref to climate change. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: No programmes for youth. – even with youth unemployment at 14%. Killing Katimavik. #cdnpoli
- Budget 2012: food safety, new money 4 food emergencies $51 mill to CFIA, HC and Public Health; $50 mill LESS 4 routine inspection. #cdnpoli