(English) Educating settler-culture Canadians to understand the issues Post date February 16, 2018 Post categories In Débat, Parlement En anglais seulement. Tags Les Premières nations, Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Rights Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Why did the government reject the advice of the expert panels it commissioned?→Next post:(English) The RCMP’s treatment of Colten Boushie’s family was horrific Tags Les Premières nations, Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Rights Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Why did the government reject the advice of the expert panels it commissioned?→Next post:(English) The RCMP’s treatment of Colten Boushie’s family was horrific
Loi sur la transparence financière des Premières Nations (loi C-27) Post date June 20, 2012 Post categories In Débat, Parlement Tags Les Premières nations
L’éducation pour enfants autochtones (A) Post date February 16, 2012 Post categories In Débat Tags Education, Les Premières nations, Shannen's Dream, Les jeunes