(English) Elizabeth May’s Submission in Response to the Review of Changes to the Fisheries Act Post date November 30, 2016 Post categories In Consultation Submissions, Parlement, Uncategorized En anglais seulement. Tags L'environnement, Fisheries Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Elizabeth May: Speech on Time Allocation and Improving the Canada Pension Plan→Next post:(English) Elizabeth May’s Submission in Response to the Review of the Navigation Protection Act Tags L'environnement, Fisheries Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Elizabeth May: Speech on Time Allocation and Improving the Canada Pension Plan→Next post:(English) Elizabeth May’s Submission in Response to the Review of the Navigation Protection Act
Loi sur l’emploi, la croissance et la prospérité durable (loi C-38) Post date June 12, 2012 Post categories In Débat Tags Bill C-38, Le budget, Économie, L'environnement, Le budget fédéral, Les finances, Jobs, Michael Porter, la recherche et le développement
(English) Elizabeth’s Earth Day Speech at ‘Protecting Our Islands,’ on Gabriola Island Post date April 28, 2017 Post categories In Discours Tags Earth Day, L'environnement, Kinder Morgan, Pipelines, Tankers