(English) In 2017, solar investment alone eclipsed investment in coal, nuclear, and all the renewables Post date June 15, 2018 Post categories In Débat, Environmental Assessment, Parlement En anglais seulement. Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) The changed nature of ‘protection’ for navigable waters→Next post:(English) The E.U., the U.S. and New Zealand are all much stronger in their anticipatory environmental assessments Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) The changed nature of ‘protection’ for navigable waters→Next post:(English) The E.U., the U.S. and New Zealand are all much stronger in their anticipatory environmental assessments
Loi no 2 sur le plan d’action économique de 2013 Post date December 3, 2013 Post categories In Parlement, Déclarations Tags Le budget, Economic Action Plan
Loi de 2013 pour la mise en oeuvre de conventions fiscales (Projet de loi S-17) Post date June 10, 2013 Post categories In Débat Tags Le vérificateur général, Bill S-17, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Namibia, Poland, Serbia, Switzerland, La fiscalité