(English) Never have I seen such disrespect towards the Speaker Post date April 27, 2018 Post categories In Parlement, Rappels au Règlement En anglais seulement. Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Speeding up the creation of marine protected areas→Next post:(English) We should invite the Pontiff to be part of the reconciliation journey Post navigation ←Previous post:(English) Speeding up the creation of marine protected areas→Next post:(English) We should invite the Pontiff to be part of the reconciliation journey
(English) Oil and gas reserves may expand, but our carbon budget is shrinking rapidly Post date May 1, 2018 Post categories In Changement climatique, Débat, Parlement
(English) There is so much missing in this budget to respond to climate change Post date June 15, 2018 Post categories In Débat, Parlement