Global Greens Political Perspectives for climate: Warsaw climate conference should produce real action and progress on an ambitious 2015 agreement!
The Global Greens call on governments in Warsaw to meet the challenge of the climate crisis and move swiftly to create climate resilient economies that are fair and socially just, that phase out all fossil fuel use and allow humanity to live within the Earth’s ecological limits.
COP 19 comes at the end of a black year for the world’s climate. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations hit 400 ppm in May and in September the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the leading scientific body on climate change, reported with 95% confidence that human influence is the dominant cause of global warming.
We must design an adequate and equitable post-2020 legally binding climate agreement limiting global warming to below two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and with emissions peaking before 2020. To be able to reach such an agreement by December 2015, the Global Greens call for
- Governments to table fair and adequate post-2020 targets early 2014 to allow enough time for the review process to take place and to be prepared for the UN ‘Ban-Ki Moon Summit’ in September next year
- The EU to raise its 2020 climate target
- The developed countries to scale up climate finance to the $US100 billion annually promised in Copenhagen and to commit to new and additional climate finance for the 2013-2015 period
Global Greens reaffirm priorities for mitigation and adaptation including promoting renewable energy in all nations (2 billion people need access to modern energy services in order to rise out of poverty), phasing out fossil fuel subsidies; including for nuclear, and banning risky unconventional fossil fuel projects; putting a halt to deforestation and degradation of natural forests by 2020; ensuring that the developed world recognizes its responsibility to support climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in the developing countries.
After Warsaw, the UN Ban-Ki Moon Leaders’ Summit in September 2014 and the G20 Leaders’ meeting in Australia in November 2014 will be key moments to broke a new global agreement, and Global Greens call on Australia, as incoming G20 president in December 2013, to make climate change a priority for its G20 agenda.
The Global Greens stands with all the people who suffer the consequences of climate change and particularly the Philippine islands that were devastated by typhoon Haiyan and give their respect and support to those courageous activists fighting peacefully for climate action, in particular the Arctic 30, who were arrested by the Russian`s authorities while protesting against oil drilling in the Arctic.