Let’s get the details right: Green Party will play a constructive role in opposition

(OTTAWA) December 4, 2015 – After watching the Speech from the Throne from COP21 in Paris, Elizabeth May said “I congratulate the new government for a positive and inclusive Speech from the Throne. I commit to working constructively across party lines on areas of shared concern.

I fully support the government’s stated commitment to climate action, but we need the right action to ensure global average temperature does not exceed 1.5° C.

I applaud the government’s commitment to changing the pipeline review process, but we need changes immediately, not after Kinder Morgan and Energy East are approved.

I’m quite pleased that the government has promised to make electoral reform a priority but we don’t need just any change, we need proportional representation.

I am glad that the government committed to making post-secondary education more affordable.

I look forward to working as a constructive partner in re-establishing nation-to-nation relationships with Indigenous peoples as we implement the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. We will fully support the Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls and will press for a swift implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, including the obligation to obtain the free, prior, and informed consent of Indigenous peoples before proceeding with economic development projects.”

Daniel Green, Green Deputy leader added: “There is no excuse to wait on reforming the pipeline review process. Under the Act, the minister has wide discretion over how the process operates. The minister needs to exercise this discretion before we approve a risky pipeline scheme.

The Senate is another key concern for Canadians. We hope the changes promised will bring some measure of accountability to the Upper Chamber.”

Bruce Hyer, Green Deputy leader said: “Canadians have been clear that they want national leadership on two things: they want real proportional representation, not ranked balloting. And they want a national carbon pricing plan that does not abdicate responsibility to the provinces. The Green Party will continue to advocate for a Carbon Fee and Divided system that will reduce both CO2 and income disparity.”

Elizabeth May concluded: “I look forward to working with all parties in the House to make sure the 42nd Parliament fulfills its duty to serve Canadians.”