Hi all,
I know all of us like to be social, so social-distancing is a challenge, but please do it!
I am keeping our Sidney office staffed, but only one staff person at a time. Please call ahead as we are not taking walk-in meetings.
We are dealing with quite a few stranded constituents and trying to get their travel plans sorted. We appreciate your calls and updates, which I relay to key ministers. When we had a lot of calls from people who wanted the U.S.-Canada border closed, I used that for additional pressure as we have been pushing for the border to close. As you know, that is now happening and will take effect Friday night.
I have sent emails to all the other elected levels of government, MLAs, mayors, CRD directors, First Nation chiefs and the Islands Trust office in Victoria to maintain contact and share developments in this fluid situation. Meanwhile, all Members of Parliament are offered a daily technical briefing by telephone conference on developments and we have a chance to ask questions. I am heartened by how often every day I am able to reach key ministers as I promote protections for all workers, with measures then implemented very close to what I have proposed: support for small business, and pressing for support for the most vulnerable and marginalized in this unprecedented public health challenge.
When the House resumes next week, it will be with bare quorum, 25 MPs, with a fair distribution across parties. For the Green Party, Jenica Atwin, Member of Parliament for Fredericton, is able to get there without flights. She and her husband will drive to Ottawa from Fredericton. I will continue in self-isolation.
Stay safe. Keep your distance. And wash your hands really well and really often. Remember to try not to touch your face! If you can check on neighbours (at a distance) or help bring groceries to those who are not getting out and about – thank you! We must collectively do all we can to limit the reach of COVID-19.
Thanks for all you are doing.
For a comprehensive list of resources regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit this page, which is being updated with new information daily: https://elizabethmaymp.ca/news/2020/03/13/coronavirus-covid-19/