Publication Source: HQ Cowichan Valley
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Author: Staff
Students in Shawnigan Lake are hosting a special guest Tuesday to observe Earth Week and on a day when the federal government announced details of its “one project, one review” policy aimed at speeding up environmental reviews on natural resource projects, such as pipelines.
The leader of the Green Party, Elizabeth May, was scheduled to talk to students and staff at the Dwight International School about climate change and the potential risks of the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway project, and likely on the agenda as well is the conservative government’s move to streamline environmental reviews.
Critics say the decision will weaken environmental standards while supporters say the policy will help prevent overlap and reduce the time it takes to assess proposed projects.
May appeared on national news Tuesday responding to Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver’s announcement that the federal government is reducing the number of department and agencies that do environmental reviews from 40 to three.