BC Greens together with their federal counterparts in the Green Party of Canada are solidly opposed to the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline and the associated increase in tanker traffic. “There is no benefit to BC, the risks are simply too great and it punts real action on climate change several decades out – to beyond the point at which we need to cap and start reducing emissions and transition to a low carbon economy,” said BC Green Leader Jane Sterk.
“The BC government is presumably too knowledgeable to fall for any spin that promises economic benefit. If a spill were to happen, the economic fallout would be devastating. The vast majority, more than 80% of BC citizens, support the 40-year ban on supertankers on our coast and oppose Enbrige’s demands to put hundreds of tankers a year in some of the most dangerous waters on earth. They will not be fooled by a slick sales pitch,” said Federal Green Leader Elizabeth May, Member of Parliament for the BC seat of Saanich-Gulf Islands.
“We saw the same strategy with the so-called climate change prosperity propaganda. Instead of having a real conversation about whether these short-term unsustainable projects are in the national interest, the risks are simply glossed over,” said May. “This cynical strategy of promising jobs and riches is particularly insulting to First Nations who should not have to yet again face the choice of trading away their rights for empty promises.”
“The assumption is that Alberta has the right to pipe bitumen across BC. While Alberta reaps short term benefits, our province would carry the environmental risk, and we are not willing to do that. Instead what we need is a national policy to determine what is right for the country as a whole,” said Sterk.