Ottawa Team – 613-996-1119

The Ottawa team is a group of dedicated staff and volunteers who assist Elizabeth while in the House of Commons.  They hail from every corner of Canada, including Antigonish, Calgary, Halifax, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Richmond, Saanich, Toronto and Vancouver.

A team of more than 10 interns from the local universities observe the proceedings of more than two dozen standing committees to keep Elizabeth apprised on all of the issues before Parliament.  They also help Elizabeth stay on top of issue-based emails and letters from both SGI and the rest of the country.

The staff in the Ottawa office help Elizabeth with her legislative agenda, including proposing amendments to government legislation, drafting private members bills, managing Elizabeth’s hectic schedule, and coordinating research initiatives with the Library of Parliament. The staff also work closely with the Riding office to assist with the needs and requests of our constituents.