Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development (ANNO)

The committee met twice this week to resume its study of land-use and sustainable economic development.

On Tuesday, December 6th, the committee met with representatives of the Lands Claims Agreements Coalition, a First Nations interest group whose mandate is to defend the integrity and implementation of modern First Nations land claims and self-government agreements. The group discussed the twin problems of the lack of full implementation of treaties and of government funding as well as the importance of pursuing economic development on reserves as a partnership between First Nations and the Crown. Their website can be found here.

On Thursday, December 8th, the committee heard testimony from witnesses from the Institute on Governance. The focus was on the gaps existing in environmental regulatory regimes and the capacity of aboriginal groups to take on greater roles in the development and implementation of regulatory regimes covering various issues from wastewater to ferry transportation.

Before the committee adjourned, Carolyn Bennett (St. Paul’s, Ont., Lib) gave notice of a motion to hold two emergency meetings to address the on-reserve housing crisis confronting First Nations communities across Canada. The text of the motion can be found here.