Each year on November 11th, Canadians gather in their communities to reflect and pay tribute to the brave men and women of all wars who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
The Green Party of Canada pays tribute to these courageous Canadians, who willingly travelled to distant countries to defend the values that we all come to cherish.
This year`s Remembrance Day gives new meaning to the significance of this solemn day and will hit much closer to the hearts of Canadians as we remember the recent tragic events which led to the deaths of Corporal Nathan Cirillo and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of these two brave men.
We also remember the brave soldiers who return home to rebuild the lives they left behind, while still carrying the physical and psychological wounds inflicted upon them. We must always support them and remember how the violence of war affects our returning heroes long after the last shot has been fired.