Week in Review: June 3 – 7

Week in Review: June 3 – 7

Welcome back to the parliamentary Week in Review for our Green Members of Parliament! This weekly e-newsletter recaps Elizabeth May and Paul Manly's work in Parliament when the House is in session. Using the links below, you can watch videos of Elizabeth and Paul's interventions in the House, keep up with their media releases, and read articles they have written.

With the last month of Canada’s 42nd Parliament in full swing, the days are longer and busier than ever for Elizabeth and our newly-elected Green Member of Parliament for Nanaimo-Ladysmith, Paul Manly.

The week started off with both Paul and Elizabeth attending the presentation of the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Paul and Elizabeth were grateful to attend the ceremony and hear the substantial recommendations of the commissioners. They will continue to hold the government accountable to these recommendations, and bring forward what they’ve learned to their own constituencies.

In other news, Bill S-203, Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act, has almost made it to the finish line! On Monday, June 10, the bill will see its final hour of debate. Big thanks to Nathan Cullen, Member of Parliament for Skeena-Bulkley Valley, who graciously gave up the priority of his bill in the House to allow for S-203 to make it to its final stage.

If you’d like to show your support for this incredibly important piece of legislation, sign the Green Party of Canada petition here and give S-203 the final push it needs!

On Thursday, Elizabeth and Paul had a chance to visit with some local councillors from their respective constituencies – Councillors Ned Taylor and Zac de Vries of Saanich, and Ben Geselbracht of Nanaimo. The meeting was constructive, serving as a great chance for local government leaders to pass on their communities’ needs to their federal counterparts.

Scroll on below for more information on what Elizabeth and Paul got up to this week! 

For further updates on Elizabeth's activities, you can follow her on Facebook, @ElizabethMayMP and on Twitter, @ElizabethMay. For updates on Paul's activities, follow him on Facebook, @VoteforPaulManly and on Twitter, @PaulManly.

* If you are having trouble viewing this email, please view it online here:  elizabethmaymp.ca/category/publications/week-in-review-publications*

Key Moments this week:

In the House of Commons:

Press Conference:

Statements and Press Releases

In the News



MPs present petitions once the deadline for signatures has passed. After presentation in the House, the government has 45 calendar days to table a response.

Elizabeth and Paul presented the following petitions this week:

You may read the governments' responses to petitions Elizabeth has introduced here.

View and sign open e-petitions currently sponsored by Elizabeth here.

Learn about the e-petition process or create one of your own here.

Community Newsletters

May 2019 – Fake News

December 2018 – Health Care

September 2018 – Immigration and Refugees

Committees, Briefs and Responses

Submission to Consultation on Amendments to the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations

Submission to Consultations on the Draft Federal Sustainable Development Strategy

Submission to Fisheries and Oceans Canada on Proposed Regulations on Rebuilding Plans

Submission to the Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Branch on Edible Cannabis

Submission to the Consultations on the Initial Environmental Assessment of the New NAFTA

Submission on the External Review of the Critical Habitat Section for Resident Killer Whales

Application to Continue to Participate as an Intervenor in the National Energy Board Trans Mountain Review

Private Members' Bills

Elizabeth May has introduced the following bills:

Bill S-203: This bill will outlaw the cruel practice of keeping whales, dolphins and porpoises in captivity.*

Bill C-401: This bill will lower the voting age to 16.

Bill C-387: This bill will establish a legislative framework for a national passenger rail service.

Bill C-269: This bill will abolish mandatory minimum sentences for all crimes except murder and treason.

Bill C-258: This "Think Small First" bill would require that every new bill introduced in the House undergo an assessment to determine how the bill would impact Canadian small businesses.

Bill C-259: The Open Science Act would require all federal departments to make all publicly funded scientific research available to Canadians on their websites.

For a list of private members' bills Elizabeth May has seconded, please visit elizabethmaymp.ca.

* Indicates that the bill is a Senate Public Bill

Upcoming Events

​June 23