Weekly Review – Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration – Meeting #76

On April 18th, 2013 the Committee met to continue its study of Bill C-425, Bill C-425, An act to amend the Citizenship Act (honouring the Canadian Armed Forces). The Committee heard from Special Honorary Counsel, David Matas from B’nai Brith Canada. Mr. Matas provided the Committee with 10 recommendations for Bill C-425 and whether or not their recommendations had been addressed by Minister Kenney’s proposed amendments. The Committee also heard from Nicole Girard, Director General of Citizenship and Multiculturalism Branch of the Department of Citizen and Immigration. Ms. Girard provided the committee with evidence about three main issues within Bill C-425 and how Minister Kenney’s proposed amendments address those concerns. Mr. Eric Stevens, Legal Counsel for the Department of Citizenship and Immigration supplemented Ms. Girard’s evidence.