The bill would establish the requirement for the Government of Canada to develop a federal framework for suicide prevention in consultation with the relevant non-governmental organizations, the relevant entity in each province and territory, as well as the relevant federal departments.
In Canada far too many lives are lost each year to suicide, almost 4,000, over 10 each day. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Canadian youth ages 10 to 24. Aboriginal youth suicide rates are especially troubling at five to seven times higher than the non-aboriginal rate. In Waterloo region’s high schools, three youths lost their lives to suicide in just one single week last year.
Suicide has a horrific impact: shortened lives, grieving families, devastated friends and even broken communities.
There is already lots of good work being done in suicide prevention across the country, but with some federal coordination and federal leadership, we can do better for vulnerable Canadians.
Seconded by Elizabeth May : n/a.
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Interventions in the House of Commons: October 28, 2011