C-38: The procedural battle

Publication Source: Macleans
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Author: Aaron Wherry

As suggested last week, Elizabeth May, the Liberals and the Bloc MPs are apparently preparing to move approximately 200 amendments to the budget bill when it returns to the House—creating a series of votes that should take 50 to 60 hours to complete.

“There’s nothing I won’t do to stop it,” she told The Hill Times …“If you respect Westminster Parliamentary democracy, you approach bills according to a theme that is coherent and has integrity; one idea at a time. Even an omnibus bill is, under our rules, one theme, one principle, one policy area at a time. This is not appropriate. This is an abuse of power,” she said. “And what tools does a responsible opposition have to protect the country? I’ll use every tool that’s legal and within the Parliamentary toolkit. I have to use every tool we have and the Liberals are of the same mind.”

Nathan Cullen said last week that the NDP will have its own changes to propose at third reading, likely adding to the votes. The hope, according to Ms. May, is to convince the government side to split the bill.

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